Learn More About Birds
Middlefork Audubon Society sponsors bird identification classes from time to time at the Danville Public Library. Check our home page for the latest information.
Books Available at Libraries/Bookstores for Illinois and Eastern United States
- Birds of Illinois, by Sheryl DeVore, Steve Bailey and Greg Kennedy
Sheryl and Steve are members of the Illinois Audubon Society, and Steve is a Vermilion County native. Both are excellent birders and their book is ideal for those wanting to learn about Illinois birds. Price: $20.00
- Birds of Eastern North America, by Roger Tory Peterson
The author wrote the first complete field guide to birds decades ago, and his updated books are still excellent. Price: $20.00.
- The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America, by David Sibley
The Sibley guides are quite good, with excellent illustrations by the author. A companion western guide is available, as it is a larger guide which includes all U.S. birds (excellent, but too large to carry around!) The eastern book will fit in your jacket pocket. Price: $20
For All the United States and Canada
- National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America 5th edition.
Price: $24.00.
- Smithsonian Field Guide to the Birds of North America
This book also includes a disk with digital recordings of bird songs in MP3 format which can be copied to a computer or to an iPod or MP3 player for use in the field. Price: $25.00.
- CDs or Bird Songs
Many CDs or bird songs are now available, and some of them are keyed to go with particular field guides. There are also several birding software programs for computers which provide videos, photos and songs of more than 900 North American birds. For information on these and other bird guides, etc., contact the American Birding Association at www.americanbirding.org or visit a bookstore, bird-related retail store, such as Wild Birds Unlimited or go to your local public library.