Middlefork Audubon invites you to join us on Thursday, March 29 @ 7:00 PM at the Danville Public Library, to learn more about the eroding coal ash pits in the Middle Fork River floodplain near Kickapoo State Park. Protect the Middle Fork, a citizens’ group dedicated to protecting one of Illinois’ greatest natural resources, the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River, is bringing a short presentation to update us on this important issue. Illinois EPA must make a decision by September 2018 on whether or not to mandate removal of the eroding coal ash pits from the floodplain. Come and learn what you can do to protect Illinois’ only Wild and Scenic River. Please note that this month’s program is on the 5th rather than the 4th Thursday.
In addition, there will be a brief discussion about the upcoming bluebird nest box monitoring season in Vermilion County. If you are interested in learning more about this program and possibly becoming a nest box monitor please let us know. There are currently 418 boxes and over 40 volunteers throughout Vermilion County but we can always use more volunteers and welcome anyone who would like to participate.
Refreshments will be provided. We hope to see you there!
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