Stay in the loop about bird sightings in east-central Illinois. Birdnotes is managed by the Champaign County Audubon Society, and hosted by the Champaign County Forest Preserve District.
Central Illinois Birding Forum (CILB)
CILB is a forum for area birders to communicate using email and the web. Questions, identification help, and topics regarding conservation are welcome. Significant mammal sightings are also welcomed. If posting, Matthew Winks, webmaster for the site, asks that we include — in the subject line — the county where the birds were sighted.
This forum is managed by Greg Neise. You can find everything from Birding 101 tips to rare bird sitings.
BirdForum.Net claims to be the largest forum for wild birds and birding.
Illinois Birders Exchanging Thoughts (IBET)
IBET is a yahoo group (listserve) for the discussion of wild birds and birding issues relating to IL. Its mission is to promote the JOY of birding by keeping members updated on rare and interesting birds and birding opportunities. Administered by Sue Friscia, q4birds at